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Here is to sanity!

Do you really think that a fascist will bring peace to Gaza or the West Bank? Who is more likely to care about your voice after the election? A wanna-be-dictator that is serving his last legal term in office, or Kamala, who will want to be re-elected in 2028?

I’m from Germany, a country that is to this day struggling to cope with its fascist past. Electing a fascist for President, one who is proud of overturning Roe v. Wade, causing the death of a pregnant Texas teen after three ER visits due to the abortion ban,” because you’re frustrated with “the elites”, because you are angry about Israel, Palestine, Gaza, The Middle East, or because your husband told you to, will only make things worse.

Inaction in this election is dangerous, it could kill your daughter or granddaughter. Please go vote!